According to a new survey, Canadians support immigration levels. In fact, the significant majority believes that immigrants are helpful for the economy and have an essential role in growing the population.
The Environics Institute was in charge of the survey. They conducted it with 2,000 telephone interviews. Their goal was to see if Canadians viewpoints on immigration and refugees have transformed during the last year. As a result, according to the public opinion research institute’s Fall 2021 Focus Canada, the immigration point of view remained “mostly stable” over the past 12 months. To conclude, Canadians still support immigration.
Firstly, most interviewed (65%) disagreed with the idea that immigration levels in Canada are too high. However, during the last year, among Saskatchewanians, Manitobans, and Atlantic Canadians this opinion has decreased by 7 to 8%. In Quebec, views are basically unaltered from a year ago, while Albertans are up by 3 points.
Also, Canadians support immigration with a 57% considering that immigrants increase the population. However, 37% disagree with that statement, and 6% don’t have a clear opinion about it. These results were similar to those in 2020. But they reflect a change in perspective from the 1990s when most Canadians rejected this state.
Economic Impact of Immigration is Positive
Moreover, Canadians support immigration with a great majority of 80% interviewed agreeing that the economic impact of immigration is positive. But, that number is down four points from last year.
Besides, 76% of Canadians considerer that the government should encourage more entrepreneurs to immigrate and start new businesses. Therefore, almost 39% strongly support this idea.
In fact, the trend of welcoming immigrants and refugees across the country continues positively. Consequently, Canadians support immigration even during the global pandemic. Overall, they associate the value of the country with multiculturalism, newcomers and inclusion. Finally, according to the survey, barely any Canadian think immigration is a significant problem.
To sum up, Canadians support immigration. And, under the 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan, Canada’s goal is to welcome at least 401,000 new immigrants annually starting this year. Explore your options, and contact us to start your immigration journey.