School in Canada
Once you decide to enroll your kids at a School in Canada, there are several options you can take into consideration. The selection may vary based on your location, preferences and budget. Any school you choose would be an excellent experience for your child.
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School in Canada
School in Canada
Canadian education is highly recognized for its quality standards worldwide. In Canada, schools that teach students up to grade 12 are primary and secondary schools. Primary usually means grades 1 to 8, and secondary usually means grades 9 to 12. Most primary and secondary schools in Canada can enroll international students.
Who Needs a Study Permit
As a non-Canadian living abroad (note: this does not apply to someone with a current Permanent Resident PR status), you will require a study permit to study in Canada unless exempted.
To qualify, you must be enrolled in a program that is more than (6) months in duration at a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada.
Study Interests
Before studying in Canada, you’ll want to make sure that the schools you are considering offer the benefits and characteristics you need. Viewing online catalogues from the institutions you are interested in and browsing their websites can help you make the final decision.
When choosing a school in Canada, the main factors to consider include:
Official languages in Canada are English and French. Some schools use one or both as their primary language or even have a third language. Be sure your kid can study and communicate in the necessary one.
There are many different types of Schools in Canada. The education system has both publicly funded and private schools. Including community colleges/ technical institutes, career colleges, language schools, secondary schools and summer camps.
Each province and territory is in charge of its education system. In general, these are the levels of education at school:
• Early childhood education.
• Elementary education.
• Intermediate school.
• Secondary school.
Make sure you research the area where each school is located. Are you looking for an urban, suburban, or rural location?
Do you prefer a large campus and extensive lectures? Or a small campus with small seminars? Both options have their pros and cons. The most important thing is to decide which is the best for you and your kid.
Spend time doing the research and find out the job placement rate of graduates of each school you consider.
It is essential to check the libraries, labs, and technical equipment offered to students.
Are there interesting vocational studies for your children?
Studying abroad can be expensive. Be sure you checked if the schools you are considering offer scholarships to help you afford the fees.
Is there any professor or teacher you particularly want your kid to study with?
It is also essential to verify if the school offers accommodation for students with physical or learning disabilities.
Some activities can be more important than others. Feel free to customize as you wish.
Some of these factors may be more important to you than others. Feel free to customize this list to reflect what is most important to you in a school.
Important Requirements For a Study Permit
A few requirements need to be met before applying for a study permit:Â Â
• Obtaining a school’s Letter of Acceptance.
• Parent’s Consent Letter/ Custodian declaration (minors only: age 17 or less).
• Proof of financial status and support.
• Letter of Explanation.
• Good Health and free of any record of criminal activities.
If the school your child (or if you are the student applicant) decides to move forward and accept you as a student at their institution they will send you a Letter of Acceptance (includes an official letterhead, exact tuition fees, start and end dates, deadline for registration).
This letter MUST be included within the student permit application (an original or electronic copy).
If you plan to send your child(ren) on his/her own to Canada and they are a minor (age 17 or less), your child(ren) requires a custodian. A Custodianship Declaration form needs to be completed and certified by a notary.
Canada needs to ensure that you are able to support your child(ren)/student applicant financially and your family upon arrival.  A few different ways of how to prove that are the following (provide a couple at least) – minimum $10,000 CAD per year per student:
• If funds have been transferred to Canada, proof of a Canadian bank account in your name.
• Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) from a participating Canadian financial institution.
• Proof of a student or education loan from a bank.
• Your bank statements for the past 4 months.
• A bank draft that can be converted to Canadian dollars.
• Proof of paid tuition and accommodation fees.
• A letter from the person or school giving you money.
• Proof of funding paid within Canada, scholarship or are in a Canadian-funded educational program.
This letter reflects your goals and reason for wanting to study in Canada as well as proving that you understand student responsibilities.
A medical exam might be requested to prove that you are in good health standing. Also, a Police Clearance Certificate might be requested to prove that you are a law-abiding citizen and free of any criminal activities.
Validity period of School Study Permit
A study permit issued based on a school offer letter is valid for a year plus an extra 90 days and students are required to renew their study permits on a yearly basis when studying in elementary or secondary school. The 90 days allows you to prepare to leave Canada or apply to extend your stay.
• If the study program you enrolled in ends before your study permit expires, the permit will be valid 90 days after your last day of school despite what is indicated on your permit. (You may demonstrate this information through a completion letter, transcript, elementary or secondary school certificate of completion issued by your school).
Extending a Study Permit
In certain circumstances where your permit expires before you complete your studies, you will be required to extend your study permit. If you fail to do so, you will have to terminate your stay immediately and exit the country.
• Some of the reasons for which you may want to extend your study permit is:
• You have not completed your program yet.
• You want to study in post-secondary programs.
• You switched programs and your new program is longer than the original program which will require you to stay longer.
Changing Schools
If you decide to change schools (eg: changing to the next education level or program) you have to ensure that you still meet your study permit conditions. This means that you must demonstrate that you continue to be enrolled in a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) and you are actively studying in Canada.
All elementary, middle and secondary schools in Canada are listed as Designated Learning Institutions. So, as long as the school is approved to operate, it is in the list of DLIs.
Remember that all changes must be updated on your study permit profile.